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Irrigation Systems
PEHD cijevi ističu se kao pouzdan i učinkovit izbor za vodoopskrbne mreže i druge infrastrukturne projekte, zahvaljujući svojim naprednim tehničkim svojstvima i prilagodljivosti širokom spektru uvjeta.
Pročitaj višeIrrigation Systems
Thanks to its many applications, corn is the most widespread cereal in the world. For example, about 850 million tons of corn are produced annually on 162 million hectares, with a yield of 5.2 t/ha. The largest corn producers are the United States of America and China, which together account for 37% and 21% of world production.
Pročitaj višeGarden
As autumn approaches, it's time to think about protecting our garden from the coming cold. Greenhouses are the ideal solution for growers who want to extend the growing season and ensure optimal conditions for their plants. Whether you grow vegetables, flowers or herbs, greenhouses allow you to control temperature, humidity and light.
Pročitaj višeIrrigation Systems
Grow blueberry plantations successfully with a quality irrigation system. Proper hydration not only ensures good growth and development of plants, but also contributes to a higher yield and resistance of plants to stressful conditions.
Pročitaj višeIrrigation Systems
Za navodnjavanje maslinika potrebno je u prvom redu osigurati vodu. Budući se masline sade na vrlo često područjima kojima je vrlo teško i skupo doći do vode, koristi se i metoda zalijevanja iz spremnika (rezervoara). Razmak na koji sadimo masline ovisi o vrsti masline pa ih se sadi na različite razmake od 5 do 6 metara.
Pročitaj višeGarden
The stakes are ideal for use in vegetable gardening for growing tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, green beans and other vegetable crops. Read more about instructions for placing vegetable stakes...
Pročitaj višeGarden
Part of our assortment refers to stakes for the garden, made of high-quality material PVC (polyvinyl chloride) resistant to all weather conditions. The stakes are made of PVC material that is UV stable, which means that they retain their original appearance and properties over the years...
Pročitaj višeIrrigation Systems
A very common question we face when delivering an irrigation system is which drippers to choose. Drip irrigation systems irrigate plants with very little flow. By dripping, we reduce water losses caused by evaporation and retain water within the plant's root zone, where water is really needed.
Pročitaj višeIrrigation Systems
Discover the latest in irrigation technology with our range of innovative pipes. From drip pipes to long-lasting solutions, find the perfect fit for efficient watering of your crops and plants
Pročitaj višeIrrigation Systems
Increase the potential of your garden with the right choice of irrigation system tailored to the needs of your plants. Choose an irrigation system that conserves water and promotes the growth of your plants.
Pročitaj višeGarden
Find out useful tips about planting flannel, using a greenhouse and efficient irrigation in order to achieve abundant fruits in your garden.
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